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Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications

On the spectrum of the hierarchical Schrödinger type operator

Bendikov A., Grigorian A., Molchanov S.

Springer, 2021.

Branching Random Walks in a Random Killing Environment with a Single Reproduction Source

Molchanov S., Куценко В., Яровая Е. Б.

Mathematics. 2024. Vol. 12. No. 4. P. 550-550.

Book chapter
Stability of transition densities of SDEs and Markov chains with respect to perturbations of coefficients In press

Konakov V. D.

In bk.: Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Stochastic and Data Science (Minsk, September 6-10,2022). Minsk: 2022. P. 79-82.

Working paper
An Optimal Periodic Dividend and Risk Control Problem for an Insurance Company In press

Kelbert M., Moreno-Franco H. A.

math. arXiv. Cornell University, 2025

Illustration for news: Faculty Presented at the China-Russia Symposium on Probability Theory

Faculty Presented at the China-Russia Symposium on Probability Theory

China-Russia Symposium on Probability Theory was held in Beijing at the end of August. Faculty of Economic Sciences' associate professors Vladimir Panov and Jean-François Jabir gave presentations and research assistant Ekaterina Morozova participated. Symposium brought together leading experts in probability theory from Russia and China. The latest achievements in the field of probability theory and its applications in economics, finance, insurance and other fields were presented at the Symposium.

Illustration for news: ‘I Propose Research Projects that Will Teach Students Something’

‘I Propose Research Projects that Will Teach Students Something’

Jean-Francois Jabir is an assistant professor at the HSE University Department of Statistics and Data Analysis and a senior research fellow at the Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications (LSA). In his interview, he talks about stochastic analysis and its applications, why he is still impressed by the training level and dedication of Russian students, and how to live in Moscow with a limited knowledge of Russian.

"Fractional Differential Equations" (Isaac Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge University)

The international conference "Fractional Differential Equations" (Isaac Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge University) was held from January 4, 2022 to April 29, 2022.

XII International Conference "Application of Multidimensional Statistical Methods in Economics and Quality Assessment named after S.A. Ayvazyan"

Ilya Bitter, a research intern at the International Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and Its Applications, made a presentation at the XII International Conference "Application of Multidimensional Statistical Methods in Economics and Quality Assessment named after S.A. Ayvazyan", and also participated in the joint seminar "Probability and Mathematical Statistics".

Congratulations to Dmitry Borzykh on the successful defense of his PhD thesis

Congratulations to Dmitry Borzykh on the successful defense of his PhD thesis

Online mini-course "Inequalities, Probabilities and Sobolev Spaces" by Professor of the Faculty of Mathematics Alexander Kolesnikov

As part of the research seminar "Stochastic Analysis with Applications in Economics", from October 5 to November 9, an online mini-course "Inequalities, Probabilities and Sobolev Spaces" by Professor of the Faculty of Mathematics Alexander Kolesnikov is being held.

Online mini-course "Heavy tailedness, dependence and robustness in finance and economics" by Ibrahimov Rustam Maratovich

From March 7 to March 18, Rustam Ibragimov (Professor at Imperial College London, UK; Chief Researcher at the Center for Econometrics and Business Analytics of St. Petersburg State University) delivered an online course

Online International Workshop "LSA Autumn Meeting 2021"

From September 20 to September 24 the International Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications organized the international workshop "LSA Autumn Meeting 2021". The meeting gathered the leading experts in the field of stochastic analysis.

Lecture "Viability Properties of Mean Field Type Control Systems"

In January 22 Yurii Averboukh delivered a lecture «Viability Properties of Mean Field Type Control Systems»

Lecture "Context-dependent Measures in Clinical Trials"

In November 27 Ksenia Kasianova (HSE) delivered a lecture «Context-dependent measures in clinical trials»