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XII International Conference "Application of Multidimensional Statistical Methods in Economics and Quality Assessment named after S.A. Ayvazyan"

Ilya Bitter, a research intern at the International Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and Its Applications, made a presentation at the XII International Conference "Application of Multidimensional Statistical Methods in Economics and Quality Assessment named after S.A. Ayvazyan", and also participated in the joint seminar "Probability and Mathematical Statistics".

Bitter Ilya from September 21-23, 2022 became a participant of the XII International Conference "Application of multidimensional statistical methods in economics and quality assessment named after S.A. Ayvazyan".

This conference has traditionally been held once every four years, since 1977. The first four conferences were held in Estonia, then in Moscow at MESI, and from the IX conference – at the Higher School of Economics. The Program Committee was traditionally headed by the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Sergey Artemyevich Ayvazyan.

Ilya Bitter also took part in the joint seminar "Probability and Mathematical Statistics" on April 12, 2022. This seminar was organized by the joint efforts of researchers from St. Petersburg, Moscow and Novosibirsk in order to strengthen ties within the Russian-speaking scientific community in the actively developing fields of probability theory and its applications.

Alexander Veretennikov, A.A. Harkevich Institute of Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Vladimir Lotov, S. L. Sobolev Institute of Mathematics and Novosibirsk State University.

Natalia Smorodina, St. Petersburg Department of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Sergey Foss, Institute of Mathematics named after Sobolev and Heriot-Watt University.