Mini-course: "Topics in Applied Probability:Tempered Stable Distributions, Ad Placement, and Turing's Formula"
Michael Grabchak, Assistant Professor (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UNC Charlotte)
Video of all Lab's events are already available on our website.
The video of the Opening Workshop and two mini-courses are available on the web-pages.
Mini-course: "Backward SDEs and approximation"
Professor Denis Belomestny, University Duisburg-Essen (Germany), Leading research scientist (HSE)
Mini-course "Nonparametric Curve Estimation"
Professor Enno Mammen (Heidelberg University)
Academic Superviser of the Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications (HSE)
Seminar of the Professor Enzo Orsingher (University La Sapienza, Roma)
"Random Flights" and "Fractional Poisson Processes".
Workshop "Advances in Stochastic Analysis"
Opening Workshop of Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications, 3-5 September, Moscow, HSE